
New Ways to Share in the New Year

In News by Little Sprouts

A hallmark of the Little Sprouts experience is our commitment to our “Family First” value. When families come first, we collectively support children together as they grow throughout their early education journey. As we approach another “first” (of January, that is!), we recognize that New Year’s resolutions can take many forms. For us, sharing time with our families and the continuation of learning at home is always top of mind!

From our family to yours, here are some fun ideas for New Year’s resolutions that we are excited to try with our own loved ones:

  • MONTHLY ADVENTURES: Develop a fun system in which your family takes part in one new activity each month. Before the start of the New Year rolls around, brainstorm two or three ideas for your family to take part in each month. Consider the weather of that timeframe when planning! Maybe a sledding adventure in February, a beach trip in June, or something as easy as a trip to the movies on a rainy April weekend.
  • GETTING CRAFTY: Build science, language, and motor skills by engaging in new craft projects as a family. Write different crafts idea on wooden crafting sticks and label twelve plastic bags with each month of the year. Place a few idea sticks in each bag and pull one out each month when the family finds time to spend together!
  • INDEPENDENCE GOALS: Discuss with your child or family an activity or skill that you would like to see your child perform on his or her own throughout the year. Outline a plan for “baby steps” to help your child work towards achieving that developmental milestone!
  • HUGS & KISSES: Consider a routine that puts love at the forefront of every day! Perhaps “I love you!” could be the first words you say to your child each morning, or create a silly type of hug or kiss that uniquely reflects your family (like a secret family handshake!).
  • BRAINSTORM YOUR OWN! What types of new activities might you like to explore together as a family? Create a list and stick with it! Feel free to inform your teachers of anything you would like us to reinforce at school so we can support your family along the way.

Have fun discovering new and exciting ways to share time with your family in 2016!